House of Bishops AgendaDay 4 (26 June)


81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church – Louisville, KY

House of Bishops

AGENDA – 4th Legislative Day – Afternoon Session

                                                  Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 4:00pm


1. Call to Order - Prayer


5. Consent Calendar Day 3, Consent Calendar #1


2. Approval of Agenda for the Day – Dispatch of Business


3. Previous Day’s Minutes - Secretary


6. Announcement of Consent Calendar Day 4, Consent Calendar #1 matters for the following



7. Messages from the House of Deputies


9. Report from the Committee on Dispatch of Business

            (See Calendar for the Day)


10. Announcements from the Secretary


11. Prayers by the Chaplains


12. Motion to Recess – Dispatch of Business



House will be in recess until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow for worship here in HOB followed by a legislative session to 12:00pm.