Cody Maynus
As a parish priest and chaplain to college students, it has been my privilege to walk alongside people from every walk of life during moments of profound joy and absolute heartbreak. I love The Episcopal Church and I want our clergy to be adequately prepared to meet the needs of the whole people of God. This looks like nurturing clergy who embody both keen intellect and pastoral sensitivity. My academic work (MA, Collegeville) is in monastic studies (history and spirituality) and liturgy. I previously served as the Canon for Formation in the Diocese of South Dakota and helped construct the formation process for vocational deacons in that diocese. I am currently serving on a design team in Minnesota working to create a 'reading for orders' process to form clergy for whom seminary would not be an attainable option. I have mentored three seminarians and two transitional deacons and have served as a spiritual director and confessor for others in formation.