Fatima Yakubu-Madus
1. Networking in the church and Community
2. Discernment
3. Advocacy and Outreach
4. Mission work in Africa
The experiences listed above give me a broader view of the church and the world at large. I served two terms on Commission on Ministry, this allowed me the opportunity to walk with aspirants in discerning their call. In addition, I was on the search committee for my current Bishop. I am currently on the board for the Funds for the Diaconate. I have been ordained since 2010 and serving my second parish. I worked in a fortune 10 Pharmaceutical company multiple roles as a research scientist, manager of a laboratory, and operation consultant. I have continued to be a missioner for Community Engagement and served as a deacon at Christ Church Cathedral. Founded a non profit organization in 2008 that has given me the opportunity to collaborate with different Dioceses in the Anglican Communion.