Samuel Bonsey
I want to help the Church Pension Fund invest for positive impact. My career in finance is committed to building the field of responsible, sustainable, impact investing. In my role as Executive Director of The ImPact (www.theimpact.org) I support values-driven investors in reconciling their sacred intentions with the profane realities of our global financial system. As a young professional, I feel an urgent and joyful call to assist CPF in pursuing a higher, clearer (dare I say, bolder) example of faith-based investing. Together, we can address and repair The Episcopal Church's profiteering from economies based upon enslaved labor. Exploitative or extractive wealth accumulation and inequitable wealth distribution haunt the church's ongoing participation in the financial system, as exemplified in disparities between clergy and lay pensions. My hope and prayer is to support CPF efforts to build the Beloved Community through more just and equitable investment practices.