Giovan King

VIII Hawaii

At Stanford Law School, I published in the Law Review on the relationship between secular courts and ecclesiastical courts. As a priest, I was a judge and then justice of the Ecclesiastical Court in Los Angeles prior to becoming a priest in the Diocese of Hawaii in 2011. I was appointed President of the Disciplinary Board in the Hawaii Diocese shortly after my arrival in 2011. I believe we had three cases during that tenure. I later served another term on the Disciplinary Board. I have served on Reference, Conference and Hearing panels and have been an advisor several times for both complainants and respondents. I have attempted to make Canon IV as clear as possible to all involved in disciplinary matters. It does seem that we are at a pivotal time in clergy discipline, not simply with respect to bishops but with respect to all clergy.. I was asked in the fall by the Nominations Committee if I would agree to have my name submitted for the Court of Review and after much thought and prayer I agreed. I hope that if I am selected I may be of service in this critical aspect of our ministry. Mahalo.