A087 Collect Data on Meeting Sustainable Development Goals
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,
That the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church, direct the Office of Global Partnerships to facilitate the creation of a churchwide data survey and to collect data on participation in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a measure of how The Episcopal Church is meeting these goals; and be it further
Resolved, That such data collected be shared publicly as a means to encourage and ignite further participation across the Church, inform future action and be shared in report form to the 82nd and 83rd General Conventions for such uses.
The 80th General Convention adopted the resolution (2022-A020) submitted by the SCWM: Support Decade of Action to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). When the member states adopted the SDGS in 2015, the goal was to achieve the targets for the 17 SDGs by 2030. Given the Episcopal Church’s ‘special consultative status’ in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, it is critical that data be collected from across our Church as to how we are meeting these goals in our congregations and dioceses. The SCWM proposes a resolution to direct the Office of Global Partnerships to facilitate the creation of a churchwide data survey and collection of data in preparation for a report back to the 82nd and 83rd General Convention, in addition to sharing this data and stories with relevant United Nations entities and in the context of the annual High-Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals.