C014 A Resolution to Enhance Access to the Denominational Health Plan

In 2021, the 111th Convention of the Diocese of Olympia passed Resolution #6, an action that works to address implicit bias and structural injustice. The second clause of the resolution reads: “Resolved, that the Personnel Commission develop Advisory Policies that ensure the availability of medical benefits to clergy working in Bishop’s Designated Mission Stations and specialized ministries;”.

The Episcopal Church’s Denominational Health Plan (DHP) was established by General Convention with Resolution A177 Establishing a Denominational Health Plan (2009) and further refined by Resolution B026 Implementation of the DHP (2012). A177 amends The Episcopal Church canons to designate Church Pension Group as the Administrator for the Plan. The DHP was established to create equal access to health benefits among clergy and lay employees church-wide. Although A177 specified the eligibility threshold at a minimum of 1,500 hours worked annually, the threshold has since been reduced to 1,000 paid hours worked annually (roughly 19 hours/week). A177 also specifies that each diocese has the ability to set cost-sharing thresholds, which must demonstrate parity between clergy and lay employees.

In the Diocese of Olympia, clergy serving in some ethnic ministry, urban, rural, or part-time ministry contexts, as well as many lay employees, may not work 1,000 paid hours/year, and/or may not have ready access to another employer-sponsored health plan (through another job or family member, for example). This resolution offers access to the DHP to some clergy and lay employees who may not currently have access to regular health coverage and care. Asking General Convention to direct the DHP Administrator to lower eligibility to participate in the DHP from 1,000 to 500 hours annually (roughly 9 hours/week) works toward inclusion and justice for all clergy, particularly those serving ethnic ministry settings and church plants, as well as many lay employees.


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Episcopal Diocese of Olympia’s Resolution #6 (2021)


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