A150 Amending the motion to suspend the HOD rules of order
Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule XIII.B.1.v of its Rules of Order as follows:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
To Suspend the Rules:
a. is used to suspend or modify the Rules of the House that interfere with a particular goal of the House;
b. has the following characteristics:
1. amendments are allowed;
2. debate is allowed except if the motion relates to setting, extending, limiting, or adjusting the time for debate;
3. a two-thirds vote is required.
****** <Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
To Suspend the Rules:
a. is used to suspend or modify the Rules of the House that interfere with a particular goal of the House;
b. has the following characteristics:
1. amendments are allowed;
2. debate is allowed except if the motion relates to setting, extending, limiting, or adjusting the time for debate;
3. a two-thirds vote is required.
A motion to suspend the rules serves multiple purposes during the Convention. One use is to adjust the limits on debate, allowing for extensions or restrictions on discussions. When the motion is made for that purpose, debate should be limited to avoid taking an extended period of debate on how long the debate should take. Debating on how long to debate can take an extended amount of time from the actual debate on the floor.