A187 Express gratitude for the ministries of the Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers

Final Status: Adopted by HoD

Resolved, That the House of Deputies of the 81st General Convention give thanks for the ministry of the Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers organization on the 35th anniversary of its founding; and be it further

Resolved, That the House acknowledges the importance of the 95+ camps and conference centers throughout the Episcopal Church in the formation of many people, especially in this house, who have heard a call to lay or ordained ministry to serve the church; and be it further

Resolved, That the House honors Camp Weed in its 100th anniversary, founded in June of 1924 near St. Augustine Beach, Florida. The Diocese of Florida sponsored its first summer program with 40 children attending. The camp was named for the Rt. Rev. Edwin Gardner Weed, who was the third Bishop of Florida; and be it further

Resolved, That we extend our appreciation for the ministries of our camps and conference centers and to the board and membership of the Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers organization.