A185 Gratitude for Language Services at General Convention

Final Status: Adopted with Amendment HoD

Resolved, That the House of Deputies of the 81st General Convention gives thanks and recognizes the work of Interpreters and Technicians that make communication widely possible; and be it further

Resolved, That the House extends thanks specifically to ASL interpreters Diane Lynch, Linda Stauffer, Erika Bravo and Persis Bristol; Spanish interpreters Gabriela De Castro, Cecy Alomia, Jennifer Collins, and Rosanna Andreoli; Haitian Creole interpreters Nathalie Coupet and Claudine Sada; Mandarin interpreters Sarah Chiang and Ida Shaw; technicians Alejandro Serrano-Fonseca and Michael Glass (who is not the same person as the Chancellor), and Captioners Patti White and Mary Askin.